COVID-19 Safety Policy
Social dancing is a high-risk activity. Please do not attend if you are feeling sick or have been in contact with someone who recently tested positive for COVID.
General Mitigation
If you are feeling sick or have been in contact with someone who recently tested positive for COVID, please stay home
Wash your hands upon arrival, and frequently throughout the event
Hand sanitizer will be provided; you are also invited to bring your own
Masks are optional, but recommended; please bring a mask, just in case. We also typically have some masks you can use.
Personal safety is an individual’s choice; any “mask-shaming” will not be tolerated.
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please stay home:
Fever or feeling feverish
Sore throat
New cough (not related to chronic condition)
New nasal congestion or new runny nose (not related to seasonal allergies)
Muscle aches
New loss of smell or taste
Shortness of breath